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PIER - Protection, Integration and Education for Refugees
in Greece and Austria
The PIER Program supports cultural and socio-economic integration of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants in Greece and Austria. It encompasses different types of assistance aiming at their improved protection and mental health, education and integration, with particular focus on helping children, youth and young adults.
NOTE: The current global COVID-19 pandemic affects us all and also the PIER Program is no exception to that. In order to protect our beneficiaries’ and PIER Program staff’s health and wellbeing, most activities had to temporarily be stopped or adapted to ensure the ongoing support for the people we serve. Here you can find more detailed information about the adapted PIER Program in Greece and Austria.
We hope to be able to support our beneficiaries soon again in direct contact, but in the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic, social distancing is the most efficient way to stop the spread of this crisis. Together we can overcome this!

ARSIS Greece
ARSIS Greece is a non-governmental organization, specializing in the social support of youth who are in difficulty or danger. Further ARSIS actively advocates their rights. The organization´s main target is the prevention of youth marginalization, the elaboration of policies, which defend youth rights and the active social sup-port towards disadvantaged young people.

Caritas Österreich
At the start of the 20th century, Caritas Austria began its purpose to help those in need. The organization´s first action was to give food and clothing to alleviate the suffering of the people during and after the First World War. More than a century later, Caritas Austria’s broad scope of programs underscores the enduring commitment to prevent and ease the hardships of the poor.
November 27 – Education is the first step to integration
Education represents the first step for refugees to make to address a proper integration process of the single person within the hosting community.
November 20 – Two days dedicated to children’s rights
The 18th and the 20th of November that have been set, correspondingly, as the Universal End Child Sex Abuse Day and the Universal Children’s Day, ...
July 30 – World Day against Trafficking in Persons – Children: victims of human smuggling and trafficking
20 percent of human trafficking victims worldwide are children; in certain areas of Africa and Southeast Asia trafficked children even make up the majority of the victims.