PIER projects

In Greece the program is implemented in Thessaloniki by ARSIS. Within the current PIER Program psychosocial and psycho-logical support, referrals and escorts to other services are offered to adult beneficiaries who have been victims of torture. The main target of this support is that beneficiaries are being able to cope in the best way possible with the terrible things they experienced and further support their integration into the Greek society on the long run.

Caritas „Lerncafés“ offer free of charge afternoon care and learning support for children and youth aged six to 15 years. Besides the intensive learning support on three to four afternoons per week and within the summer program, the children receive healthy snacks and can take part in a variety of recreational activities. Additionally, children’s parents receive much needed assistance and guidance. Altogether nine „Lerncafés“- one in each diocese – are supported within PIER.